Architectural [Bio]design
Primo's Donuts // Westwood
Built Bakery Interior
Since 1965, the address of Primo’s Westwood has served as Westwood Village’s go-to donut shop. Serving the heart of the bruin community, in 2020 Primo’s Donuts took over the tenant lease from the infamous Stan’s Donuts. Oddly enough, in 2010 Stan’s Donut decided to split their unit with another SoCal uni cuisine staple, The Flame Broiler. Keeping only the existing flooring during Primo’s renovations, the interior partition was demolished to create an 850 SF single tenant bakery. Conceptualized through analysis of bear claw pastry forms, the interior showcases golden-warm tones, layered textures and soft corners, while boasting a UCLA color palette. Per Primo’s Brand ID, the interiors also take ques from the Mid-Century Modern movement, the era in which the original Primo’s was established.
Angeleno Magazine, Modern Luxury
Los Angeles Times
NBC 4 Los Angeles